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How to Run React Build for Production Using PM2

Install the PM2 tool

it helps to run the react.js app in the background.
					npm install pm2 -g

Create a new file with the name app.config.json below the build folder and add the following snippet.

  apps : [
      name      : "react-app",
      script    : "npx",
      interpreter: "none",
      args: "serve -s build -p 3000"

I’m running my React app on a 3000 port you can change your port number

Run the following pm2 command which will start the app on your cloud instance ( i.e we are using AWS EC2).

					pm2 start app.config.json

This command will you show the list of the pm2 running processes.

					pm2 list
Run React Build Using PM2

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